My Dad served in the Air Force for 20 years.
He was stationed in Germany with my mom
and my brother, Chris where I was
born prematurely. At 25 weeks, there were
complications during my mom’s pregnancy and
she was rushed to the hospital in
Bonn, Germany. Three weeks later at 28 weeks
on September 15, 1990, they had to perform
an emergency c-section for me and my
twin sister, Leah.
I weighed 1 lb. 12 oz. and my sister, Leah
weighed 1 lb. She didn’t survive. Doctors kept
telling my family, don’t get your hopes up,
I would not survive, but God had other plans!
They prayed for a miracle and believed that
I would live! I was in the NICU for almost
4 months where I had heart and eye surgeries
before I came home. When I came home from
the hospital 4 months later, I was on a heart
monitor until I was over a year old which went
off constantly in the night when I would stretch,
frightening my parents. During my
developmental years, my parents noticed I
wasn’t crawling or walking on schedule. Around
the age of two, I was diagnosed with
cerebral palsy and also a quadriplegic
(all four limbs are involved). Doctors told my
parents that I would never walk or talk! I’m one
of the few quadriplegics that can walk.
We were transferred back to the U.S. along
with base of choice for medical treatment. My
parents chose to come back to Tyndall AFB
where they had met and had family support.
I had years of physical therapy. I use a walker
for short distances and a wheelchair for long
Though having a physical disability is more
difficult than most can imagine, through it all
God has been there and brought us through
each chapter to get me to where I am today.