“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:9 (NIV)
Do you need a spiritual recharge? If we don’t stay plugged into the Word. Our batteries will suddenly become drained from 100% to 1%. The same way our cell phone batteries run down if we don’t remember to plug them in. Our phones need to be charged every night.
How many times has your internet provider asked you if you would like to upgrade your service package for faster internet speed? The Word of God uplifts us. We find ourselves being spiritually recharged every time we study it. Is it time for your spiritual recharge? Make it your number one priority to plug into the Word every day.
Heavenly Father, We need to be recharged by Your Holy Spirit this morning. Lord, Thy followers are plugged into Your Word. We ask You to uplift our hearts as we study Thy Word. Please recharge our spiritual batteries again to 100%. In Jesus Name, Amen
(Devotional By: Sarah Godber)